Venture Teen is a Budding Musician

Casey Foster of Chula Vista, a senior with the Venture Online program, is an accomplished musician. He is an apprentice at his church, where he works with the music director to put together the music for worship services. 


Most weekends he leads worship on guitar for four services with over 800 in attendance for each service. He also performs at venues around San Diego in one of the tree bands he helped to start.
Casey has always loved music.  He began playing on a toy drum at age 2, and real drums at age 10. He has added the guitar, bass and is currently learning keyboard.
He began playing in the high school youth band at age 12. Casey watched his father lead worship in church, and made his debut playing in the main service of his church at age 14.
Casey’s flexible school schedule with Venture has allowed him to pursue his music. He successfully balances school, his apprenticeship and a part-time job while doing what he loves most:  sharing his passion for music.
Casey was one of Venture’s original students, beginning in 2014, and will graduate in 2017. He plans to attend college, major in music composition and become a professional musician.

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