Mother of KEYS Students Says KEYS a “Huge Blessing” to her Family

Kimberlee Hildebrandt has two children in Spring’s KEYS program, Megan, who’s just beginning the program in 9th grade, and Kyle, 11th grade. She first tried the program with Kyle, she said, at the recommendation of his Homeschool teacher.

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While initially skeptical, she was pleased with the results. She said, “It has been a huge blessing for our family. It has given Kyle a sense of accomplishment and control that has been beneficial in supporting other areas of his life.”

In a regular school environment, she explained, Kyle struggled to maintain a C average. In KEYS, he typically earns A’s. While new to the program, she said, Megan has “stepped out of her comfort zone by asking a lot of questions and seeking help from others.” Kyle’s hobbies include hockey; he is both a goalie and defenseman. He chooses books related to hockey for assignments, which has benefitted his education. He also enjoys studying video games, she said, “so the fact that he can get a high school education along with learning a trade skill is amazing.”

Megan plays the viola for the Corona Youth symphony Orchestra, so KEYS gives her the freedom to attend rehearsals. She is also excited that KEYS gives her the opportunity to read the books she enjoys.
Kimberlee believes KEYS would benefit any interested student, including Kyle, who was diagnosed with autism, and Megan, who hopes to attend an Ivy League school. She encourages parents to explore how KEYS might work for their children, and added, “I am so glad we took a chance on KEYS.”

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