Homeschool Student is an Aspiring Ballerina

Hannah Margison, age 13, is an aspiring ballerina. In her first competition, the Youth American Grand Prix, she scored an 88.6/100. She lives in La Quinta, and is a Homeschool student in the 8th grade.

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Hannah has been participating in ballet for seven years. She first performed with a baton, but opted for ballet after her teacher told her it would help with her x-strut routine. She practices ballet 4-5 hours daily. She said, “Ballet is hard when you first start and it only gets harder when you get older. I like ballet because I like to dance, and to be able to do what I love.” She hopes one day to dance professionally, or be a make-up artist or a NICU nurse. Hannah is in her third year with Springs. It has been a good fit for her, she said, because “I really like how we can choose different programs. I like science because I like doing the experiments.” Her other interests include singing and doing make-up with her friends.

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